So this weekend, there is a show in White Plains, Friday to Sunday. Their "Friday" hours usually start
later in the day, and extend later then the weekend hours. i like that, i like tha ta lot as i am not a
morning person.
So i headed to the show today without many expectations since lets be honest here, everything after
attending The National is bound to be a disappointment.
Well, i was not happy to see that many of the dealers that i wanted to see were not there. a little shocking,
but these things happen.
i have a lot of pics to show, hope you dont mind....
my main goal at the show was to pick up Bretts that i need to submit for my registry. picking them up via
shows is the best bet because i not only get to see the condition before buying, i dont have to pay for shipping.
well, there werent that many Bretts to be had (i know, i was shocked as well). Here are the ones that i picked up:
(i will hang on to them and replace them if i feel i can pick up nicer ones before submitting)

at shows, i also love to pick up those "$1 1980's boxed sets" that were so over-produced at the time, but are a
blast for me to go through (these are also better picked up in person because of shipping costs if bought online)
well, i was only able to come up with these...

(that bottom row are "packs" of 1994 UD Heroes made buy the seller that sold me the top row. they have at least
the "one per pack" parallels showing on the front and back. Since i need all Bretts from the set, i picked them up)
in what was probably the biggest disappointment, only one dealer had any sort of "junk wax", and not all that much
at that. i picked these up to rip for my "Ripping For Bretts" project

Since the show was devoid of much to pick up (no needed HOF RC Slabs or the like) i decided to look for stuff
that others might want/appreciate
i found a dealer that was selling these items for a really good price:

(just took one pic of these, but i picked up a good number of other Brett Box Bottoms)

(ok, these are for me as

well there you have it, my White Plains experience.
Thanks for the read,