Friday, December 31, 2010


Weather: Sunny, 38, no wind
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: good
Overall Walk Performance: ok, a bit sluggish today 
Current Mood: blah
How is your diabetes today?: ok i guess

Thursday, December 30, 2010


Weather: Clear, 34, no wind, sunny.
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: good
Overall Walk Performance: good 
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Weather: Cool, mid-30s, cloudy, no wind.
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 Miles in the slush! lol not as bad as yesterday though. i also dug out the garbage cans from the blizzard (tonight is garbage night) and then got the xmas decoration boxes down from the attic. also going to go shopping in a little while
Weather During Walk: good
Overall Walk Performance: good 
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

New Collecting Focus

Well, i've done it again. decided to collect more crap! haha
but this time, it's 80's graded legends, mainly their base cards
from Topps/Donruss/Fleer/Score/UD from 1980 to 1989.

i've already got a jump on some of them from my Topps 500 Home Run Graded Colletion. its going to breathe new life into me im hoping, as things overall have gone quite stale.

what im looking at is PSA only for this focus, in the 8/9 range, with 10s sprinkled in if they are cheap enough.

staying on target is key here, i have to remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint. and of course as always, there is no WRONG way to collect.

The guys that i will be picking up are HOFers, Legends, or guys i was a fan of during the 80s.

well, off to ebay to feed the addiction


Weather: low 30s, windy, cold, clear skies
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25
Weather During Walk: cold, windy, difficult to navigate with all the snow on the ground
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Monday, December 27, 2010


Weather: low 30s, 40+ MPH Wind, COLD, clearish skies
Did you walk today?: No, Blizzard yesterday, over a foot of frozen snow on the ground. have spent two+ hours so far cleaning up the driveway. not finished yet.
If So, how far?: 
Weather During Walk: 
Overall Walk Performance: 
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Sunday, December 26, 2010


Weather: Snowing, low 30s, windy, cold
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles + Target for milk, which was packed
Weather During Walk: cold, head wind, snow
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: ok, feeling better today than yesterday
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Weather: 30, overcast, light breeze, cold.
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: cold
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: blah, have a head cold, not feeling great
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Friday, December 24, 2010


Weather: cold, not too windy, clear skies
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 2.00 miles + 2 hours of house cleaning
Weather During Walk: nice
Overall Walk Performance: tired 
Current Mood: tired, head cold coming
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Weather: 33, 30+ mph wind. flurries
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: Snow Flurries, strong head winds
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: blah
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Weather: Sunny, 32, windy
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: cold and windy
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: tired
How is your diabetes today?: tired

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Weather: low 30s, WINDY cold, clear skies
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 2.00 miles
Weather During Walk: STRONG winds, cold
Overall Walk Performance: eh, my headphones died going into it, so it wasnt a very good walk today. im also helping baby sit 13 month old twins, which are a handful
Current Mood: tired
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Monday, December 20, 2010


Weather: 31, cold, windy!
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: Cold and windy
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Weather: 31, 23 with the breeze, overcast
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: chilly
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok, vision isnt sharp

Saturday, December 18, 2010


Weather: 31, not much breeze, not bad
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: brisk
Overall Walk Performance: good
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Friday, December 17, 2010

80's Hockey Cards: OPC vs Topps

Ahh the 80's. the times of mass consumption and production.
Sports cards killed many forests in the 80s, thats for sure!

Lately ive been into the hockey cards, specifically the 80s.

From Gretzky in the 79/80 set, to Sakic wrapping up the decade
with the 89/90 release. and oh so much in between.

Topps, the name synonymous with "Sports Cards" had two different
releases for Hockey Cards....Topps and its Canadian Sister,
O-Pee-Chee (OPC for short)

Being an American boy in new york in the 80s, Topps was "it"
my local T~Amo (candy store) carried Topps. But then again, who
didn't? lol

Discussing the "value" of sports cards is always tricky, more-so
when talking about it with people that are not "into" the hobby

To "Cliff-Notes" it, if a Topps Hockey Card is "worth" $20, its
OPC version is worth $30. Not sure why that is, as *i* do not
feel that there are that many less OPCs made. infact i could
argue that there are MORE of any particular OPC then its Topps
counterpart due to how much more popular the sport is in Canada.

When pricing out wax packs, OPC blows Topps off the ice.
Lets go over the decade at hand:

Year / OPC / Topps

79 - $275 (14 Cards / 396 Card Set) - $75 (10 Cards / 264 Card Set)
80 - $65 (10 / 396) - ($15 / 264)
81 - $30 (10 / 396) - ($7 / 198)
82 - $8 (10 / 396) - (N/A)
83 - $7 (10 / 396) - (N/A)
84 - $17 (15 / 396) - ($6 / 165)
85 - $40 ( 8 / 264) - ($20 / 165)
86 - $25 ( 8 / 264) - ($15 / 198)
87 - $7 ( 8 / 264) - ( $5 / 198)
88 - $7 ( 8 / 264) - ($4.50/198)
89 - $20ish, 48 pack box (330 card set) - $30 for a box of 36 (198 card set)
(This is where the MASS production started for Hockey Cards, and is in fact, the
only time that its widely accepted that Topps is better then its OPC release for the season.

"Big Rookie Cards" broken down by year:

Year / Player (OPC/Topps)

79: Gretzky ($800/$550)

80: Messier ($100/NA); Bourque ($100/$80); Gartner ($40/$20); Goulet ($15/$10)

81: Coffey ($80/NA); Kurri ($40/$60); Stastny ($15/$4); Moog ($25/NA); Murphy
($15/$8); Ciccarelli ($20/$10); Savard ($30/$10) (more on the '81 Topps issue below)

82: Fuhr ($40); Francis ($20); Mullen ($8); Hawerchuk ($20)
There was no Topps issued for the 1982/3 Season.

83: Housley ($5); Larmer ($8); Nicholls ($5); Lindbergh ($15); S. Stevens ($10)
There was no Topps issued for the 1983/4 Season.

84: Yzerman ($100/$40); Neely ($40/NA); Gilmour ($30/NA); Chelios ($25/NA) LaFontaine ($15/$8)

85: Lemieux ($200/$150); MacInnis ($30/NA); Iafrate ($5/NA)

86: Roy ($150/$100); Vanbiesbrouck ($25/$12); Clark ($15/$8); Steve Thomas ($5/NA)

87: Robitaille ($30/$20); Ranford ($8/$5); Oates ($15/$10); Hextall ($10/$10); Vernon ($10/NA); C Lemieux ($6/NA); Richer ($5/NA); Damphousse ($8/NA)

88: Hull ($50/$25); Nieuwendyk ($10/$4); Shanahan ($30/$15); Turgeon ($12/$10)

89: Sakic ($12/$15); Leetch ($3/$6); Fleury ($5/NA)

Year by year wax breakdown:

1979: Wayne Gretzky Rookie. What more needs to be said? Oh yea, last year cards of Howe, Hull, and Dryden. I give the edge to Topps on this one, risk vs reward.

1980: Messier not being in Topps is the only "let down" for this year.

1981: The Topps Issue was an interesting one as Topps (for some reason) decided to issue the packs in "Regions" of "East" and "West". Meaning that depending on which part of America you lived in, your packs contained some of the basic make up of the set, and then the rest of the pack was either "East" or "West". I've never opened any of these packs, so i do not know the breakdown of how many of each there are in any particular pack. (They did the same thing with Basketball in 1981 as well)
Now with the Rookie Cards that year, the Kurri and Stastny are in the "Basic" part of the set. The Murphy, Ciccarelli, and Savard are only in the "West" packs.
Unfortunately, Topps made absolutely no way to tell which packs are East and which are West. Kind of a bummer for opening packs now in 2010.
The OPC release is MUCH better for 1981, no regional release.

1982: No Topps, bummer.

1983: No Topps, bummer.

1984: The Topps issue was heavily printed. That and lacking three major RC's really hurts the product. OPC is strong. OPC Wins.

1985: With OPC dropping the cards per pack to 8 (yes EIGHT) vs 12 for Topps, i give the edge to Topps here. Al MacInnis was great, but a D-Man known for a hard slap-shot cannot give OPC the victory at the price point

1986: OPC still at 8 cards per pack, but Topps ups theirs to 15. Topps Wins with nearly twice as many cards per pack for nearly half the price.

1987: see 1986. There are a handful of rookies not in Topps, but the cards per pack gives Topps the edge.

1988: see 1987, and the rookies that Topps did miss, none are really worth pulling. Topps wins.

1989: OPC slaughtered MANY forests to print the quantities that they did in 1989. Topps was (all things considered for the year 1989 in Topps overall Universe) not all that massively produced. Topps wins.

1979: Topps
1980: Topps
1981: OPC
1982: OPC
1983: OPC
1984: OPC
1985: Topps
1986: Topps
1987: Topps
1988: Topps
1989: Topps

There you have it, my breakdown of Hockey Cards in the 80's.
According to me, you're best bang for your buck per year is listed above,
with reasons for why given.

Thank You for taking your time out to read my post,


Weather: Mid 20s, not horrible winds, clear skies
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: cold
Overall Walk Performance: good 
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: vision isnt 100% today

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Weather: 23, 13 with the wind. cold, not much breeze, partly cloudy
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles + Target
Weather During Walk: Cold
Overall Walk Performance: good 
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Weather: 24,9 with the strong wind. cold. overcast.
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: cold and very head windy
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Weather: Snowing. 22, 9 with the wind. and worst of all...ICY
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 2 miles. cut it short because of the ice and almost falling twice
Weather During Walk: Snow, wind and ice
Overall Walk Performance: slow to ok
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Monday, December 13, 2010


Weather: 42,overcast
Did you walk today?: Yes 
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: chilly, overcast
Overall Walk Performance: good
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Weather: Rain, Heavy Rain, Wind, Heavy Wind (40+ mph), 51
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3 miles
Weather During Walk: Started off fine, tail wind, overcast. started to rain about 2 miles in and i decided to cut it to 3 miles. started to pour as soon as i hit home.
Overall Walk Performance: good
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Weather: 35,sunny,nice out today
Did you walk today?: yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: nice
Overall Walk Performance: good
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Friday, December 10, 2010


Weather: high 20's, cold. lack of wind for once
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: brisk, but not much wind
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Thursday, December 9, 2010


Weather: COLD, low teens with the WIND
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles + Target for Socks
Weather During Walk: COLD
Overall Walk Performance: COLD 
Current Mood: eh
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Weather: Sunny, COLD, with the wind in the teens.
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: strong winds, very cold
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Weather: 37, cold, WINDY
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: cold and extreme head wind
Overall Walk Performance: tough
Current Mood: cold
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Monday, December 6, 2010


Weather: 32, 20 with the gusting winds, light snow flurries
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: blustery swirling winds, frigid
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What graded cards do i collect specifically?

i was talking with a friend today and he asked me what i like to collect.

so i thought it would make for a good blog and decided to write one up,
here goes:

what i like to collect are graded rookie cards across all sports, with
a focus on modern cards (1970 to today).

when it comes to Hockey rc's...

from 1970 to 1989 i prefer Topps (unless the player wasnt in Topps,
or there is no Topps ('82 & '83), then i will add his OPC).
from 1990 to now, i prefer Upper Deck Base. For the most part, that means Young Guns. I am also considering adding Panini / Donruss "Rated Rookies" to my cannon.

when it comes to Baseball rc's...

1970 to 1979: Topps, Like Slabs in the 7/8/9 range
1980 to 1988: Topps, prefer to have their base rc over a "traded". Like Slabs in a 9
1989 to 1999: Topps base where applicable. Then the other companies, in a 9
2000 to today: Bowman Chrome where applicable, in a 9/10

when it comes to Basketball rc's...

1970 to 1979 Topps, Like Slabs in the 7/8/9 range
1980 to 1989 Topps, Fleer and Hoops Like Slabs in the 7/8/9 range
1990 to 1999 Topps, Fleer and Hoops Like Slabs in the Slabs in a 9
2000 to 2009 Topps, Fleer and Prestige Like Slabs in a 9/10
2010 going forward: Donruss Rated Rookies in a 9/10

when it comes to Football rc's...

1970 to 1979 Topps. Like Slabs in the 7/8/9 range
1980 to 1990 Topps, Score and Pro Set. Like Slabs in a 9
1991 to 2000 Topps, Score and Ultra. Like Slabs in a 9
2001 to today: Topps and Score. Like Slabs in a 9/10

are these steadfast? not always, because sometimes a lower grade slab is too hard to pass up when really low priced.

There you have it, that's my current focus in a nutshell

Thanks for the read,


Weather: 39, COLD, windy
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: cold and windy
Overall Walk Performance: ok, runny nose dripping like Pat Ewing used to sweat on the free throw line.
Current Mood: tired as i ran some errands and the holiday crowds are not to my liking
How is your diabetes today?: vision is a little off

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Weather: 39, cold, windy
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles + Target for test strips
Weather During Walk: cold and windy
Overall Walk Performance: ok, avg
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok, cold limbs, eating now

Friday, December 3, 2010


Weather: 39, light sind, clear skies, crisp
Did you walk today?: yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: cold
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: ok, trying to get motivated to finish the xmas lights
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Weather: Cold, 41, clear skies, pretty windy
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: cold, windy
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok. im in the middle of putting up the xmas lights. its cold out and im tired

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Weather: 57, HEAVY Winds (30+ mph), hard rain.
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 2 miles
Weather During Walk: HEAVY HEAD winds, raining almost horizontally
Overall Walk Performance: soaked. tough one today, cut it short to 2 miles because of the weather
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Weather: 51, overcast, very windy
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: windy, head wind most of the time
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: blah
How is your diabetes today?: feeling sluggish today

Monday, November 29, 2010


Weather: 41, calm, clear skies
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles + yard work for two hours
Weather During Walk: great
Overall Walk Performance: good
Current Mood: tired
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Sunday, November 28, 2010


Weather: 39, clear skies, not much wind, not nearly as cold as yesterday.
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles + Target to see if anything was on sale
Weather During Walk: good
Overall Walk Performance: ok. my toe is bothering me a little 
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Weather: 39, cold, windy, clear skies
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25
Weather During Walk: windy, cold. winter jacket for the first time
Overall Walk Performance: good
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday Wax = Bleak Friday Wax?

So much for "great sales" from Blowout, D&A, Atlanta, etc.

There were no "WoW"'s listed that i saw. Nothing different from what i see them post every time they email saying "sale upcoming!"

Sure, things MIGHT have been $5 - $7 less then normal, but so what? Is that supposed to be impressive?

Impressive is 50% off

and another thing, what's with having to spend $150 to get free S&H? thats too much to expect as we enter 2011

these are only sportscards afterall


Weather: Damp, light drizzle
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles + Target (nothing good for Black Friday)
Weather During Walk: damp
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Weather: low 40s, cold, not much wind
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: cold
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: blah
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Weather: Sunny, 48, WINDY!
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25
Weather During Walk: STRONG head wind many ways
Overall Walk Performance: good
Current Mood: eh
How is your diabetes today?: eh

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thoughts on Wax, and current state of the "hobby"

yea, i know that ive written about this before and will do so again im sure, so get over it! :)

during my walk today i thought about this...Wax and the history thats wrapped within those little wax tombs.

im not going into a history lesson on wax packs, at least not this time around.

think about it, when you're opening a wax pack, the cards inside have never been seen by (non-employee's) eyes before. that to me is a fantastic thought, peeking at the cardboard beauties for their first time out in the open.

Now, the thing with opening old wax packs is that you cannot go into it thinking that you're going to "make money". There is an old school of thought that cards are worth money. get real, they really are not. there are millions of them out there.

in 2010, the only reason to open, lets say 1985 Topps Baseball for example, is because either you're new to the hobby and want to know what it was like to open packs in 1985, or you've been around for a long time collecting, and want to remember what it was like to open them when you opened them way back when. i fall into the latter, thankfully.

now see, the thing with the '85 topps wax is that you're laying out about $3 a pack (they were 35 cents a pack when they came out) and the "best return" "money" wise would be a McGwire or Clemens rookie, which are about eight bucks a piece. so why would anyone lay out $3 for a slim (15 cards out of a 792 card set) chance at pulling an eight dollar card?

there inlays why this "hobby" has fallen on its ass.

long gone are the days of ENJOYING what you have in EACH pack.

long gone are the days of kids enjoying sports cards because you got gum AND cards came with it.

long gone are the days of yesterday.

how sad is it that in todays day and age, people riffle through their packs looking to see if they got "a hit" (read: money card) and then quickly going on to their next pack, chasing that dragon that they never seem to catch.

how sad is it to be in a hobby shop, watch someone rip through some packs, and then just toss their "commons" on the counter, unloved, unwanted.

i know we "can't go back again", but damn it, wax should be savored, enjoyed, each and every card in the pack!


Weather: 58, calm, very nice day
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25
Weather During Walk: fantastic
Overall Walk Performance: good
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: seems better today

Monday, November 22, 2010


Weather: 55, sunny, nice
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: windy, nice
Overall Walk Performance: ok, sluggish
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: better today

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Weather: Sunny, 43, cool
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: Cool, not much breeze, clear blue sky
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: blah
How is your diabetes today?: blah, vision is not 100%

Saturday, November 20, 2010


Weather: 49, PCL
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: head wind, cool
Overall Walk Performance: good today
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Friday, November 19, 2010


Weather: 49, PCL, Windy
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: Cold, head wind
Overall Walk Performance: ok/good
Current Mood: ok, tired
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Thursday, November 18, 2010

So The Beatles are now on iTunes...

Those that know me might be shocked to hear me say this...


as someone that has bought the albums on cassette, vinyl, CD and then again on CD last year, what the fuck do i need to buy them on iTunes for?

if someone can let me know, id love to hear it


Weather: Sunny, 52, light breeze
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: pretty good, a little chilly
Overall Walk Performance: ok, tired today
Current Mood: tired today
How is your diabetes today?: eh, so-so

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Weather: 62, balmy-like. windy!
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles + Target (scored some Score Blasters! woot)
Weather During Walk: swirling winds (unusual)
Overall Walk Performance: good
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Weather: 55, Overcast
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: Overcast, no wind
Overall Walk Performance: pretty good
Current Mood: better then when i woke up
How is your diabetes today?: ok, vision is better today

Monday, November 15, 2010


Weather: Overcast, 55
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: Nice
Overall Walk Performance: tired legs, didnt sleep well 
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: cold hands today, a little blurred vision

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Weather: Sunny, 59 verrrry nice fall day
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: fantastic
Overall Walk Performance: good
Current Mood: ok, tired from yesterday
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Saturday, November 13, 2010

2010 Score Hockey Review

The year was 1990. Being a Hockey Card collector in 1990 saw the dawning of the Hockey Card Collecting Boom.

Mark Messier lead the Oliers to their first (and only) post-era Gretzky Stanley Cup victory. A young phenom
named Eric Lindros was on the verge of making his Hobby presence known. At the same time, an up and coming
sports card manufacturer was about to unleash a monster of a card release on the collecting public.

1990 Score Hockey! Just thinking about it brings back a flooding rush of emotions. Great photography, tons of
"Rookie Cards" and of course.....

THE "Future Superstar" Eric Lindros' Rookie Card. Man, those were the days.

Now the year is 2010 and as with anything else, 20 years of hindsight is always 20/20, as they say.

"Score Hockey" is back! Panini America has brought the famous hockey card line back to life with an all new
release, 2010 Score Hockey.

Collectors both old and new have to be excited for this new Hockey Card release that features an old school
feel to it with the throwback design of the base cards, and the inclusion of todays games top rookies!

With a Suggested Retail Price of 99 cents for a pack of 7 cards, this is sure to please both the casual collector,
and the hard core wax pack junkie!

I had the pleasure, thanks to Freedom Card Board ( of ripping into one of these hot new
boxes of Score Hockey.

Here's a pack-by-pack breakdown of my experience:

Pack 1: Crosby is the first base i see, excellent!
Pack 2: Base Cards
Pack 3: Gustavsson Sno-Globe Die Cut (One Globe Per Box)
Pack 4: Gustavsson Net Cam insert
Pack 5: John McCarthy HOT Rookies
Pack 6: Tokarski Glossy Hot Rookie, Oberg Hot Rookie, Rob Blake Season Highlight (Blake was in the 1990 release!)
Pack 7: Pat Kane Playoff Heroes
Pack 8: Kadri Hot Rookies
Pack 9: Base Cards
Pack 10: D Keith Playoff Heroes
Pack 11: Price Net Cam
Pack 12: Thiessen Hot Rookies
Pack 13: M Samuelsson Playoff Heroes
Pack 14: Wade Redden "20th Anniversary" parallel (One Per Box, going to be a toughie for Player/Team Collectors)
Pack 15: Hamill Hot Rookies
Pack 16: Hutton Hot Rookies
Pack 17: Yip Hot Rookies
Pack 18: Glossy Tangradi Hot Rookies; Doughty Sudden Death
Pack 19: Gionta Playoff Heroes; Glossy Season Highlights Brodeur (who was in the original set!)
Pack 20: Kadri Hot Rookies
Pack 21: Samson Hot Rookies
Pack 22: Base Cards
Pack 23: Kipper Net Cam; MAF Glossy
Pack 24: McCarthy Hot Rookies
Pack 25: Penner Hot Rookies
Pack 26: Kadri Hot Rookies (third one in the box!)
Pack 27: Subban Hot Rookies (he and Kadri are on the box!)
Pack 28: Toews Playoff Heroes
Pack 29: Cowen Hot Rookies
Pack 30: McCarthy Hot Rookies
Pack 31: Derek Smith Hot Rookies
Pack 32: Base Cards
Pack 33: Brodeur Net Cam
Pack 34: Subban Hot Rookies
Pack 35: Subban Hot Rookies (third one in the box!)
Pack 36: Glossy Cliche Hot Rookies

It was fun to rip a whole box of packs in one sitting.

The Good:

At just about an insert per pack, the kids will love 'em!
The cards are really nice in hand, and the TTM/IP Auto Collectors will love the fact that the base cards have no gloss
on them, so the autos will stick!
Deep player selection, always a plus for the team collectors.
Really like that the back of each card has a very nice amount of text.

The Not So Good:

Duplicate Hot Rookies. There are 50 players in the Hot Rookies Set, there is no reason for 2 or 3 of the same Hot Rookies
to be included in one box.

Overall Grade: B+, great rip for the price point!

ok, time to sort these commons....ha! remember those days everyone? :)


Weather: Clear Sky, 60 (!!!) degrees out, wow!
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles + Target (fruitless) AND 3.5 hours of yard work! i am tired lol
Weather During Walk: Great
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: tired (see above lol)
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Friday, November 12, 2010


Weather: 52, sunny, windy
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: windy, not too cool though
Overall Walk Performance: not so great, very sluggish, didnt want to do it today
Current Mood: blah
How is your diabetes today?: has me down today

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Weather: Sunny, 49, windy
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: Strong head wind to start
Overall Walk Performance: ok, sluggish
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Weather: 49, overcast
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: Pretty calm, chilly
Overall Walk Performance: good
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: light headed, cold hands

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

From what i once was....

to what i am now.

i was a very overweight white male.....i am an anorexic looking white male
i could eat a whole pizza pie.....i have no desire to eat whatsoever

to say this is incredible might come off sounding like its something positive.
i know it isnt.

i know it sounds weird to people when i tell them that i must remember to eat
three times a day because i have to. its especially strange to those that knew
me in my old life.

its now nearly 2:30am and i am forcing some food dowm my throat because i forgot
to have my third meal of the day.


Weather: Cold, but not too bad, mid 40s
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: good
Overall Walk Performance: good 
Current Mood: good
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Monday, November 8, 2010


Weather: WINDY WINDY WINDY! Cold, mid 40s
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: WINDY!
Overall Walk Performance: tiring
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Weather: Cold, windy and dark! (walked this evening)
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: cold, windy and dark!
Overall Walk Performance: good
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Saturday, November 6, 2010


Weather: 49, sunny, windy, colder then 49
Did you walk today?: Yes 
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: heavy head wind = better walk
Overall Walk Performance: good
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: cold limbs, but that might be from the winds

Friday, November 5, 2010


Weather: 49, overcast, chilly
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: Brisk
Overall Walk Performance: OK
Current Mood: Blah
How is your diabetes today?: Off and on, pretty ok

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Weather: Rained all day, heavy at times.
Did you walk today?: Yes, but went to the Mall to get in some laps
If So, how far?: Hard to say really, 2 miles?
Weather During Walk: --
Overall Walk Performance: eh, it was OK, just doesnt go as well as when i am able to get my regular walk in.
Current Mood: tired, as i did shopping after the mall and only at once today.
How is your diabetes today?: cold limbs and a little dizzy. was unable to have lunch today due to losing track of time while running errands.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Weather: 49, nice, calm
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: nice
Overall Walk Performance: good
Current Mood: eh
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Weather: Sunny, 49, nice
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles + Target for dog treats
Weather During Walk: Crisp
Overall Walk Performance: Good
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Monday, November 1, 2010

Hockey Card Topic: Young Guns Vs Rated Rookies

Panini will release "Donruss Hockey" later this month.

It got me to thinking, will their "Rated Rookies" subset (seeded 1:6 packs, same ratio as UD's MEGA Popular "Young Guns" subset) give Young Guns a run for their money?

a little back history for those not into Hockey Cards.....In an era where "rookie cards" have to have one or more of the following features:

Game Used Patch and/or Jersey
individually machine numbered

Heres the kicker.....Upper Deck's Young Guns do not have ANY of the features listed above, none, zero ziltch.

Young Guns have held their own over the last decade in the ever changing market that almost DEMANDS the above traits for "rookie cards"

Pretty cool, eh? i think so too, and im a huge Young Guns supporter.

With Panini now in the NHL game, i wonder how their "Rated Rookkies" are going to do in the hobby.


Weather: 39(!), cold, WINDY! was about 30 with the wind
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles + Target
Weather During Walk: COLD & WINDY!
Overall Walk Performance: good
Current Mood: eh
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Sunday, October 31, 2010

When 15 feels like 50...Wax as a drug?

it was on this 31st day of October back in 1995 that my Grandmother died.

Fifteen years, but it feel like so much longer

She raised me from age 10 after my mother died. She was a great woman and shaped me into the person that i grew up to be.

BOrn and raised in Flushing New York, i was born to a married couple that although were in love, just got married way too young. they were 20 when they got married in 1969, and 22ish when they had me in 1971

their marrage didnt work out (not shocking really) and i stayed with my mother. we lived with her best friend and her son John, who would go on to become my first best friend named John (there were three). i saw my father sporadically after my folks split.

The four of us lived together in an amazing apartment. This is where i had my first wax experience. either my mother or johns mothers boyfriend at the time brought John & I a box of Star Wars Series Two to spilt in half, 18 packs each! and so the "evil" seed was planted i suppose

then after a few years the apt was no longer available, and we have to live in separate apartments, but in the same building complex, which was cool.

then my mother got sick and eventually died from her illness.

being the only child that my Grandmothers children (she had two) had, i went to live with her and my grandfather.

same area, so i didnt need a new group of friends. But John (#1) had moved and it would be many years until i would speak with him again.

it was then that i met John (#2) and Cory, who is still my best friend to this day.

My Grandmother was retired when she took me in, but that wasnt going to stop her from doing her best, which she did, imo. She was a strong willed, humble woman that always though of others before herself, in every aspect of life. a true role model

of course, im not typing out all the details, because it smy blog and i dont have to :oP

back to the wax. it was the year 1985 and thats when the serious addiction to wax came to be born.

Four or Five packs (money permitting) of 1985 Topps Baseball, monday to friday, during 7th grade school. i got to learn the "sequence" that lead to me pulling my favorite card, Dwight Gooden's rookie card. Charlie Moore, still remember that 25 years later, pretty crazy

that fall i really loved cards and was all about Topps Hockey as well. my favorite player at the time was Billy Smith. i bought pack and pack and box and box of 1985 topps hockey, but never got a billy smith. i bought some more and some more, eventually it had to have been about 5 boxes worth, but never got one. it was later on that i found out that (for reasons i still do not know) Billy Smith was not in the set! lol

it worked out for the best in the end though, as those 13 Lemieux rookie cards served me well to resell over the years. although i wish i had held on to one, oh well. Hey, those packs are now ONLY "$20" each, i should try one for old times sake! LOL Heck, '85 Baseball packs have held their own even with McGwire and Clemens' downfalls. Those are @$3 a pop. a few years ago, a friend of mine sent me 5 packs of the baseball, but i didnt pull anything of note. but damn it was FUN to rip those!

So yea, wax as a drug. i think it could be argued that it IS a drug like thing. soooo addictive indeed.

i wish that Topps would go back to using actual wax, but the times they are a changed, and that will never happen.

well, this has gone off track somewhat.

i still cant believe its been 15 years since my whole outlook on life changed.


Weather: Sunny, 56, very WINDY
Did you walk today?: yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: WINDY
Overall Walk Performance: ok overall, good head wind for more workout
Current Mood: grouchy
How is your diabetes today?: its there

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Weather: Crisp 45, not as cold as 45 sounds
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: good, very light wind
Overall Walk Performance: good today
Current Mood: eh
How is your diabetes today?: eh

Friday, October 29, 2010


Weather: cool, 54, windy!
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles + Target (they do not sell medical bracelets)
Weather During Walk: windy, cold
Overall Walk Performance: good today
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Weather: Sunny, warm. mid 60's
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: good
Overall Walk Performance: eh, very sluggish today
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: blurred vision today

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Weather: Raining, 65, gusts of wind
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 2 miles. cut it short when the rain got harder
Weather During Walk: started out overcast, then rain developed
Overall Walk Performance: good until the rain started
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Weather: 65, Overcast, threat of rain, slight wind
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3.25 miles
Weather During Walk: Chilly, light wind
Overall Walk Performance: sluggish, not enough sleep
Current Mood: feeling tired
How is your diabetes today?: ok i guess

Today is 9 months since diagnosis

Monday, October 25, 2010

Wax and waiting it out...

ive been tracking some different wax boxes the last few weeks

Topps Football has dropped significantly, im sure that Topps Chrome coming out has a lot to do with that, but....

Hobby boxes are @$30 and Jumbos are @$56 now. thats a significant drop from release prices, especially for the Jumbos, which were in the low to mid 90s at release

it makes me wonder with 2009 products (of all sports) and going forward, will this down price trend continue, or will the wax dry up and go bye bye?


mid-to-high 60s, PCL, breezy
3+ miles
decent walk, fairly windy
diabetes is ok, cold limbs today, bs running low

Sunday, October 24, 2010


60, nice, pcl
3+ miles + Target (fruitless)
Walk was good, weather was nice
sad today
slight blurriness

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Low 50s, sunny, light clouds
Yes, walked 3+ miles today
Weather was good, slight breeze
Walk was good
feeling so-so today
cold limbs, i have to eat lunch

Friday, October 22, 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Weather: Very nice, mid 50s, but wasnt cold
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3+ miles
Weather During Walk: fantastic
Overall Walk Performance: ok, a little sluggish
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok today

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Weather: Partly Cloudy, very slight breeze, 54
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3+ miles + Target (fruitless)
Weather During Walk: good, not much breeze
Overall Walk Performance: good today
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: ok, a little lightheadedness, headache

Monday, October 18, 2010


Weather: Party Cloudy, 54
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3+ Miles 
Weather During Walk: Nice, light breeze 
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: eh
How is your diabetes today?: eh

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Weather: Clear Blue Sky, 54 really nice out
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3+ miles, plus Target (fruitless trip)
Weather During Walk: fantastic
Overall Walk Performance: ok, feeling the effects of four days of yard work
Current Mood: pretty good
How is your diabetes today?: hand is incredibly dry, but thats probably from the yard work as well

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Weather: Incredibly Windy, 54
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3+ miles
Weather During Walk: strong wind throughout, mostly head wind
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: tired
How is your diabetes today?: cold limbs, but im thinking thats because of the heavy winds

Friday, October 15, 2010


Weather: WINDY!!! cold, low 50s
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3+ miles
Weather During Walk: COLD. Head wind most of the way
Overall Walk Performance: Good
Current Mood: OK
How is your diabetes today?: numbers are low today.  doing yard work the last three days have lead to the lower numbers imo

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Weather: Nice, Cloudy, low 60s
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3+ Miles + Target ($5 Snowtrooper! score!)
Weather During Walk: a little windy
Overall Walk Performance: sluggish due to being tired from yesterday yard work
Current Mood: ok.  late entry because of more yard work today
How is your diabetes today?: BS is low today, cold feet especially

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Weather: 55, Crisp
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3+ miles
Weather During Walk: Crisp
Overall Walk Performance: Very Good.  New Sneakers!
Current Mood: Tired
How is your diabetes today?: ok.  Just did 4 hours of yard work, pretty tired

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Weather: mid 60s, overcast. chilly
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3+ miles + Target
Weather During Walk: chilly
Overall Walk Performance: ok
Current Mood: blah
How is your diabetes today?: blah

Monday, October 11, 2010


Weather: 70, partly cludy
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3+ miles
Weather During Walk: nice, not much breeze, a little warmer then the last few days
Overall Walk Performance: good
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today?: feeling a little light-headed today, cold hands

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Weather: Clear, 57
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3+ miles
Weather During Walk: Clear, crisp, not too breezy
Overall Walk Performance: decent, tired legs
Current Mood: OK
How is your diabetes today?: hands and feet are cold today

Saturday, October 9, 2010

i need to break my eBay addiction

the time has come to budget myself when it comes to eBay.  its just something that i have to do, theres no other choice.  With work now done for the winter, the funds just arent there. 

i recently joined and i know better then to go up in the attic and mull through my star wars figures upstairs.  i know what that does to me, and that aint good! haha

its a great site for Star Wars Toy Collectors.  its really fun to read and see theur collections.  some of them are really mind boggling. 

too many hobbies are not good for one man.

10.9.10 - Happy Birthday Johnny!

Weather: Clear, 60s
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3+ miles
Weather During Walk: Clear Blue Skies, not much of a breeze
Overall Walk Performance: Ok, kind of in the middle, better then yesterday
Current Mood: OK
How is your diabetes today?: OK today, eyes are a little dry

Friday, October 8, 2010


Weather: High 60s
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3+ miles + Target
Weather During Walk: brisk, very clear blue sky. very nice out
Overall Walk Performance: Good
Current Mood: Good
How is your diabetes today?: Better today then yesterday

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Graded Cards, what are they? and how come you like them so?

i get this question from time to time.  there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to collecting anything really.

but i will answer it.

There are three "grading companies" out there that are worth using.  thats not just my opinion, but the opinion of most everyone that i know.  Each have their own pros and cons.


Pros: Hands down the best protection for your card.  their cases are the best.  Their Slab actaully survived Katrina.  They are the leader in sales as far as post 2000 rookie cards go (in top grade, naturally), and have a stronghold on Cards released after 1980

Cons: if your modern card grades lower then an 8.5, the label they use to put the grade on is almost insulting.  its made out of flimsy paper (8.5 and above get a nice looking metal insert) and just looks as though they are punishing the submitter for the lower grade card. 


Pros: They have an amazing registry program that has many many many members building their sets under such programs.  What does this all mean? it means that if you have a high grade old card of even some scrub, you're going to find a nice payday for it.  the set collectors are known for driving up the price for what is known as a "low pop(as in population)" PSA Holder.  its been known to turn a $1 common into a $300 PSA Slab.  PSA also has a stronghold on cards from post WWII to 1980

Cons: Really flimsy Case.  The case is pretty fragile.  Dropping one is pretty much a crap shoot if it will break or not (so dont drop them! lol)


Pros: Hands down the best customer service out there.  MEGA user friendly.  Their Slabs take a bit of getting used to, but i am a fan.  They have the market for pre-WWII cards.

Cons: The demand for modern SGC cards is luke-warm at best (great for collectors, but not for sellers)
Sets with black borders (ie.1971 Topps Baseball) tent to suffer eye-appeal wise in a SGC Slab, due to the SGC slab being based on a thick black border that houses the cards.


For the most part, given two identical cards placed on a table infront of you, you really wouldnt be able to tell the difference between a BGS 9.0 and a 9.5if the cards were not already graded.

im going to use the most popular modern rookie card for this example.  that card is the 1989 Upper Deck Ken Griffey Jr Rookie Card.  There is NOTHING rare about this card, im pretty sure that there are literally millions of them out there.  Does that mean its not a "good" card to have? absolutely not.  it just means that it will not have tremendous value sometime down the line.

a quick look at ebays completed listings show that a BGS 9.0 sells in the mid $40s (and has for a number of years now.  when i was doing my own grading research (over 5 years ago) this card was selling in the $50 area, so not bad)  and BGS 9.5's are selling for $130ish.  (interesting, since when i was researching them 5 years ago, 9.5s were selling closer to the 250ish area, damn that economy i suppose)

Now, just as there is no right or wrong way to collect, everyone has their own way of doing so.  Some people only want gold labels (9.5 or better) in their collection, and those people have no problems spending more for what they want (since its a fact that 9.5s sell for more then 9.0s).

When *i* got into slab (slang for graded cards) collecting i didnt (and still dont lol) have the wallet for most of the gold labels and i had to made a decision.  Sure i could get the Gold Griffey and be satisfied, or i could go for the 9.0 Griffey and have more funds to pick up other graded rookie cards that i might want in my collection.

thats the jist of how i got into graded rookie card collecting.  Hopefully that made some sense to you people out there :)


Weather: Clear and windy today, in the 60s
Did you walk today?: Yes
If So, how far?: 3+ miles
Weather During Walk: Crisp, swirling winds
Overall Walk Performance: "ok" today, somewhat sluggish
Current Mood: ok
How is your diabetes today? : visions a little blurry, and a little light headed today, woke up nauseous, but that has passed.

i believe im going to run some errands at the store today, food shopping most likely

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Diabetes Athletes List

Just want to have this list somewhere...

Nick Boynton - Hockey Player - Boston Bruins
Bobby Clarke - NHL - Philadelphia Flyers
Jay Cutler - NFL Football Player
Chris Dudley - NBA - New York Knicks center
Rick Dudley - Hockey
Curt Frasier - NHL - Chicago Black Hawks
Walt Frazier -  NBA - New York Knicks
Joe Gibbs - NFL - Washington Redskins coach
Bill Gullickson - MLB - Cincinnati Reds Pitcher
Dave Hollins - 1993 Phillies World Series Third Baseman
James "Catfish" Hunter - MLB - Pitcher, Baseball Hall-of-Famer
Jay Leeuwenburg - NFL - Indianapolis Colts Lineman
Mark Lowe - Major League Baseball
Adam Morrison - Basketball Player, Gonzaga University
Brandon Morrow -Seattle Mariners Pitcher
David Pember - MLB - Milwaukee Brewers
Toby Petersen - NHL - Pittsburgh Penguins, Dallas Stars
Dan Reichert - MLB - Kansas City Royals
Ron Santo - MLB - Chicago Cubs legend
Mike Sinclair - NFL - Philadelphia Eagles
Kendall Simmons - NFL - Pittsburgh Steelers
Jerry Stackhouse - NBA - Dallas Mavericks
Jack Tatum - NFL - Oakland Raiders, The Assassin
Michael Taylor - MiLB Phillies, Blue Jays, A's
Everson Walls - NFL Football player
David Wells - San Diego Padres Pitcher
Wade Wilson - NFL player and Dallas Cowboys quarterback coach
Dmitri Young - MLB Outfielder, first baseman

Type 2 Diabetics, Baseball Players and overweight people

There is a huge misconception that if someone is "fat" then the reason that they have or developed type 2 diabetes is because they are fat.   That simply is not true.  there are plenty of "skinny" people that have type 2 diabetes and plenty of "fat" folks that dont.

In doing some research about famous athletes with diabetes, it seems that most of them are Type 1's.

The two that ive come across that are type 2 are David Wells and Dmitri Young.

Both players are fairly known in the baseball world, as well as the baseball card world.  Both men are also pretty portly, to put it nicely.  Both men were also diagnosed while in their 30s well after they were well established baseball players.  if i were to guess, id guess that their lifestyle is what lead them to become T2's.  not only is ones lifestyle conducent to becoming Type 2, but also ones family heritage.

Obviously i do not have any access to either of these guys family tree, but if "D" runs in the Dmitri Young Family Tree, one has to be concerned about his bothers future, Delmon Young is a budding star with the Minnesota Twins.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I like Graded Sports Rookie Cards, and I have Diabetes

Trying to get my blog off the ground, so to speak.

i collect graded rookie cards across all four sports and i have diabetes.

i dont often capitalize my "i"'s or use apostrophes, thats how i roll :)

im going to use this blog to, get, true, but also talk about my daily things and such.

as i mentioned before, nobodys going to read this but me, and it will be like a record of ongoings, going foward.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Kid A released October 2nd, 2000

holy moly that just doesnt seem right, now does it?

How are you? im ok, thanks for asking, thanks for asking.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Just had some lunch because i have to eat.  feeling so-so today so far.
overcast day out, slight drizzle during my walk

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


went to get some new pants today.  i couldnt believe that i fit into and purchased size 30 jeans. a year ago, my jeans were 44/42.


First Blog here.

Not sure how this blog is going to work.  Vent area? Daily (or whenever i get around to it) recap?

Who the hell knows.

I guess i'll get the blah blah blahs out of the way for anyone that happens to locate and read this garbage.

im a white guy, 39 years old and this past January was diagnosed as having Type 2 Diabetes.  Since that time, i've managed to lose 107 pounds.  i am currently in the 160s, standing 6'2".  Diet, exercise, portion control, and most importantly, cutting out almost all carbohydrates all together is what was able to get me to where i am right now.

That all being said, after 27ish years of being told that i could stand to lose some weight, iv enow been told just the opposite, i need to add about 20 lbs back on. Excuse me? are you fucking kidding me? lol thats my general reaction.  ive been told that i am looking anorexic nowadays.  i just dont see it.  i see myself as the 300lb guy that i used to be.

Eating is a problem.  as funny as it sounds to those that have known me for some time, i have no desire to eat and could literally go all day without eating.  but i know that that is not good for me and can pretty much tell when my blood sugar gets too low.  thats usually my reminder that i have to eat something.

about an hour ago, i stuffed down some food, because i have to, not because i was hungry.