Thursday, September 27, 2012

My SAGA Trade Paperback Money Back Guarantee

If you've read my posts before, you know that i have returned to reading comics for the first time since the late 80's.  ive gone into why before, so wont be repeating myself here.

This one is about SAGA. If you've been reading Saga and love it, then i guess you don't need me to tell you how great it is, eh?

If you're a huge Star Wars Fan that grew up seeing them in the theater when they came out like myself, then there is no way that you will not like SAGA.  Unless of course, you don't care for reading, then it really doesn't matter, does it? :)

The first Trade Paperback, which includes Issue's 1 through 6 (which is the latest issue) is being released on October 10th of this year.  Reading the TPB will "catch you up" on everything that has been released so far.  Issue #8 is due out in November, so you'll be all set to jump in on the monthly roller coaster if you choose to do so going forward.

Here is my Money Back Guarantee.  Buy the Trade Paperback (cover price is only $9.99 for 160 pages!), read it, soak it in, love it, read it again.  Then thank Brian K. Vaughn for writing it, and Fiona Staples (@FionaStaples) for drawing such goodness on a monthly basis.  No need to thank me, as I'm just a fan :)

But if you don't like it, and feel that I mislead you and forced you to "waste" ten bucks, here's what I want you to do,on the first page of the Trade Paperback, do the following:

Write your @Twitter Handle or Blogger Handle.
Write in your own handwriting what you did not like about the book, why you're returning it.
Give me your autograph under the above.
Mail the Trade Paperback to me (message me, I will provide my address)

Upon receipt, I will PayPal you ten bucks.

It really is THAT good of a book people.  I don't say that lightly, and I have always been a person that backs what they feel with action.

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